Digital correction
矯正治療が平均で約30% 短縮できます
このように、デジタル化により正確な診断、見える治療計画により最終目標がより明確になりますので、患者さまにとりましても治療がわかりやすいため、治療経過を楽しみながら矯正治療を受けていただくことができます。そしてなんといっても、通常2~3年かかってしまう矯正治療が平均で約30% 短縮でき、月数でいうと平均8か月間ほど短くなるというのはこのうえなくうれしいことだと思います。
SureSmile® のカスタムワイヤーは特に歯の裏側矯正に威力を発揮します。
その中でも SureSmile® だけが、装置を選ばない、どんな矯正装置にでも対応でき、また複数の装置を使い分けてカスタマイズできるという優れものです。
Treatment information
Cosmetic Dentistry
Beautiful teeth are an integral part of the work we do at Premier Smile Nagasaki Orthodontics. Our philosophy is that oral hygiene should not just cover solving problems such as cavities, but also improving the general condition. We can offer treatments to help align teeth to create a more comfortable and beautiful bite; or procedures to maintain healthy gums.
We endeavor to support our patients in achieving this, and will continue to do so every step of the way.
Digital Orthodontics
Using digital imaging, we can accurately assess our patients’ dental needs and deal with them appropriately. By analyzing these images, we can create simulations to rectify your bite or to align your teeth.
Dental Aesthetics
For those who have no issues such as cavities or toothache, there is an extensive list of treatment options to improve the overall appearance of your teeth. For example, teeth whitening and gum massages. Customers may freely choose whichever options seem best in order to have a smile that’s not only healthy but also beautiful.
Treatment for Children
Chewing food properly before swallowing and brushing after meals are the foundations that we teach children about dental hygiene. At such a crucial stage in a person’s life, it’s important to do our best in order to care for their teeth. It’s important for us to work with you to ensure that your children develop and maintain healthy teeth.
Treatment for Adults
At Premier Smile, we will take everything into account when deciding on a course of treatment. Every minor detail is accounted for, and nothing is overlooked in order to create a comprehensive treatment plan. We also offer support for patients who feel uneasy with dental work.
Hidden Braces
Until now, the conventional means of adjustment and realignment has been through braces. Some people may not feel comfortable wearing braces because of how visible they are. For these patients, there is a more discreet option where the braces can be applied to the back of the teeth. Thanks to these invisible braces, you can have the results you want without worrying about your appearance.
Speed Control Treatment
For those who don’t have much time for treatment, we can offer a form of “speed treatment.” If the patient only has a short period of time for treatment, we can create a treatment schedule which takes this into account.
Cosmetic Dentistry
Beautiful teeth are an integral part of the work we do at Premier Smile Nagasaki Orthodontics. Our philosophy is that oral hygiene should not just cover solving problems such as cavities, but also improving the general condition. We can offer treatments to help align teeth to create a more comfortable and beautiful bite; or procedures to maintain healthy gums.
We endeavor to support our patients in achieving this, and will continue to do so every step of the way.
Digital Orthodontics
Using digital imaging, we can accurately assess our patients’ dental needs and deal with them appropriately. By analyzing these images, we can create simulations to rectify your bite or to align your teeth.
Dental Aesthetics
For those who have no issues such as cavities or toothache, there is an extensive list of treatment options to improve the overall appearance of your teeth. For example, teeth whitening and gum massages. Customers may freely choose whichever options seem best in order to have a smile that’s not only healthy but also beautiful.
Treatment for Children
Chewing food properly before swallowing and brushing after meals are the foundations that we teach children about dental hygiene. At such a crucial stage in a person’s life, it’s important to do our best in order to care for their teeth. It’s important for us to work with you to ensure that your children develop and maintain healthy teeth.
Treatment for Adults
At Premier Smile, we will take everything into account when deciding on a course of treatment. Every minor detail is accounted for, and nothing is overlooked in order to create a comprehensive treatment plan. We also offer support for patients who feel uneasy with dental work.
Hidden Braces
Until now, the conventional means of adjustment and realignment has been through braces. Some people may not feel comfortable wearing braces because of how visible they are. For these patients, there is a more discreet option where the braces can be applied to the back of the teeth. Thanks to these invisible braces, you can have the results you want without worrying about your appearance.
Speed Control Treatment
For those who don’t have much time for treatment, we can offer a form of “speed treatment.” If the patient only has a short period of time for treatment, we can create a treatment schedule which takes this into account.